W.H.O Pakistan in collaboration with The Health Foundation (THF) Pakistan, a
nongovernmental organization, Pakistan Medical and Research Council (P.M.R.C) and Jinnah Post Graduate
Medical Center(JPMC), Karachi, piloted an injection safety project to identify an innovative,
cost-effective, replicable solution to break the transmission cycle of blood borne infections by
preventing the reuse of syringes by disabling syringes through a manual needle remover. Pakistan is among
the top countries in which blood borne infections are prevalent among the general population, with high
transmission among the lower socioeconomic class of the population.
The national prevalence of viral Hepatitis B and C stand at 7.8% with an estimated 12
million people suffering from this disease according to a national prevalence survey conducted in 2008.
One of the major reasons for the spread of these blood borne infections is the reuse of syringes. Major
hospitals, such as the Jinnah Postgraduate Hospital in Karachi, are among the major sources of such
medical waste that carry the risk of spread of these infections. WHO Pakistan planned a pilot project with
its partners to implement a mechanism to break this cycle of transmission by ensuring that each used
syringe is cut safely and disposed off properly.
The pilot project, conducted between July 2011 and June 2012, was implemented at a
tertiary care hospital in Karachi, Pakistan, and was carried out in 4 phases. This pilot was published on
the World Health Organization website as well as well as the